Sunday, January 31, 2016

NO...The $62 and Growing ringgit Billions stolen ...mismanaged are all a VERY VERY VERY hot topic everywhere even in Kampung Melayu Felda....Opps... I see just because the UMNO-Bangsat negara IS Islam Terrorist Propoganda Media in cahoots with Sultan -Terrosit IS Islam do not make a mention means CASE CLOSED...So Confident Call Election and Watch Terror to undo the MAY 13, Kg Medan Killings and Genocide of Penans, Force Conversion to IS Islam UMNO-PAS-Sultan -Agong.........Just that the Sultan-Agong-Govenor are keeping quiet after being Paid $25 Million Each like Sultan Zero of Perak..... Just Because nothing reported on M. Indira Gandhi children Forced to convertion to ISLAM and being Challenged for 7 Years means malaysia accepted the current IS Islam Terrorist Verdict....and forgottten about it... Dream On...... Just WRITE A NOTE TO SCHOOL Principal that YOUR CHILD TAK NAK Belajar JAWI, Baca Quran and Sue the Principal and ultimately UMNO-Bangsat Negara Government!!..>Do It Yearly and Show your Terror Back!! More Job Losses coming in Petronas and banking...Padan muka...More UMNO Melayu redundant naturally........the Rahmat from Allah to a Racist Nation of malaysia...Makan rumput or Revolusi Minda BERONTAK only option...

Because the Fake Malay Sultanate that Started in Malacca...decided to go to their 9 individual Territories with their few Samseng and IS ISlam Terrorist to Terrorise the Kampung Malays into submission, brain washing, Lies and Stupidity.... What Mythical Rubbish that Sultanate Abandon the Centre of universe and go to smaller Kampung they call the NINE States today and agreed to Rotate to be KING..... Queen of England should have Abandon London Buckimham Palace the centre of Universe and establish 9 states and kingdom across Great Britain......think about it. Melayu Bangun, Berontak...Bantai Celaka UMNO-Bangsat Negara yang bersama Sultan-Agong-Govenor yang selama 500 Tahun hanya tahu HINA Hidup Kebebasan awak dengan Agama Islam dan Tamadun. Melayu Yang Hilang Boleh diganti Denga Bangla Islam...Sebab ISLAM = Melayu = Islam = Islam Bangla, Islam Indonesia, Islam Myanmar..Islam Mamak, Islam Cina, Islam India, islam Syria.........
Orang Alsi adalah Bumiputera Tulin...yang lain Penipu.....termasuk Sultan-Agong-Govenor dan melayu UMNO bangsat Negara!!

60 years of allowing celaka UMNO Melayu -BN(Bangsat Negara) Run Malaysia after Independent with Racist Islam Terrorist Rules and you have the porest State of Sabah, Sarawak, Perlis, kelantan, Kedah, Trengganu, Malacca.., N9...The rest of the More Chinese + indian states have helped Malaysia to what it is Johor, Selangor, Penang, Perak a bit better....UMNO-Bagsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan_agong-Govenor are Worried SH!t when Sabah-Sarawak Sack Malaya......after all who wants a Bankrupt Malaya for their Children... + a Soccer Ranking that is Lower then EAST Timor..... Ini PengHINAAN Maruah terbesar Kepada Melayu ..Dunia Bolasepak Racist FAM Sultan Pahang lebih Rendah dari Timor Timor.....Inikah Rahmat yang MalaySIAL Nak.... Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor, Perak, Johor, Penang....SEMUA TAK NAK UMNO bangsat Negara tadbir Malaya samapai kena Makan RUMPUT Padang ..... Keep Using Foreign Currency and keep Lookinf at the GAP of Buying and Selling MalaySIAL Ringgit....70 cents difference...other currency 8-13 Cents.....Ini Bermakna Dunia TAK NAK Ringgit...orang Islam Melayu UMNO terus Simpan Ringgit.....Dunia Pun Tak Percaya MAS lagi...Boycott MAS- Petronas.... MH370 kat Thailand....Siapa Percaya Berita Karut-TIPU MalaySIAL lagi dengan IZIN Hormat dari Sultan_Agong-Jakim-jais-Govenor UMNO BN???

No matter how hard one tries to isolate the Sultan-Agong with UMNO Celaka Bangsat Negara EVIL agenda...their co-Joined Evil Agenda will be undone ... Malays will get them proper for making them Hungry and Angry + Stupid.... Najib trying to get a retiment payout of $2 Billion USA Dollar and Agong-Sultan -Governor all given $25 Million to DIAM.... :agi Suruh Rakyat Malaysia UBAh Corak Hidup agar Kos tinggi boleh dielakkan.... Why Change your lifestyle to ANIMAL Status to support these UMNO-Bangdat Negara in cahoots with Sultan Agong-Govenor Lavish Lifestyle....No guns can Stop 20 Million Malaysian who wants to end their sufering in ONE Day..>We Await the THAIPUSAM Terror Attack by UMNO IS ISLAM Sponsored terrorist in cahoots with Sultan _Agong -Govenor ...every race go and Ignore the UMNO-BN -IGp Threats call to NOT go to Thispusam....... Every Muslim-Malay is a Potential Jihadis terrorist......By terror UMNO Lowyat Created a Mara IT Mall, by Terror May 13 they created Racist ISALM Bias terrorist agenda and Stuff Malaysia proper..>Return the TERROR and Create a NEw Malaysia!!..No need to be Romatics to UMNO EVIL in cahoots with Sultan Bauxite Agong..... Duit Korrupsi MAHU Banyak....Tolong rakyat Lapar-Marah tak nak...terimalah Rahmat dari rakyat Melayu dan Malaysia sekejap lagi...harap ada escape strategy,,,macam Rosmah -Najib untuk Keluarga!!

Siapa UNDI UMNO-Bangsat Negara kat SARAWAK...Dia Pengkhinat SARAWAK dan kepada Mohd SAW.....Sebab Puak Sunni ISLAM IS Terrorist UMNO-Sultan_Agong -Govenor percaya Bunuh cucu Mohammed adalah Betul Macam Sirul dan Azilah C4 Altantuya..... Perbuatan Kejam adalah BAIK Asalkan Sultan boleh Maafkan macam Caliph-Sultan Islam buat terhadap Pembunuh Mohammed SAW.....Organisasi Sultan-UMNO-Sunni Islam adalah satu Pertubuhan yang Kejam, Jahat...EVIL...... Kalau tidak mengapa Ketu Pertubuhan ini boleh terbang dengan Percuma macam tak Payar Bayar TOL???....Mereka bukan Miskin...malah mereka Kaya sampai boleh Guna Bil Lektrik $1 Million Setahun....orang melayu terus sembah IS Islam UMNO-Sultan-Govenor dan Makan Rumput.... Lepas Pecat UMNO-BN Dari Sarawak Pecat Malaya...Jauhkan diri Awak dari Organisasi IS Sunni Terrorist Sultan-UMNO..... Kalau Sarawak boleh Pecat Sultan....MALAYA Pun Boleh!!

 2 Nation Sabah-Sarawak...Can Sack Rouge IS Islam Racist Terrorist UMNO-banggsat Negara supporters in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-Govenor claim to State Malaya.... Get some Blangla and Myanmar Muslim to Whack to IS Islam celaka Melayu UMNO Islam Army-IGP Terrorist and promise them Kedah-Perlis State to create their Utopia..... ..Watch the IS terrorist Islam Malay UMNO plan to disrupt the Thaipusam.....United we Stand against the Malay Born Islam Jihadist......Sekarang Melayu Kesal dengan Islam UMNO-PAS!!

Kalau Sultan Bauxite Pahang bersama UMNO-Bangsat Negara datang bawa Derma - Keperluan SEMINGGU9one week needs)kepada orang Kampung Pahang..Hina Sultan dengan tak bagi dia Muka...ambil Hamper Suruh mereka pembunuh Generasi Orang Melayu BERAMBUS!!

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