Thursday, January 28, 2016

First Thing on This 2016 New Year is to Make Sure You write a Letter to Your School Headmaster/Mistress all the UMNO-Bangsat Negara Controlled Malaysia School to INFORM THEM THAT YOUR CHILD SHOULD NOT PARTICIPATE OR BE TAUGHT A Single JAWI OR ANY ISLAMIC / KORAN WORDS IN ANY SCHOOL SUBJECT... STOP THE BRAIN WASHING FROM STANDARD ONE!!....Is also not Part of Malaysian Education Curriculum.... Reject Jawi teaching and Reject Idiot Sect IS Islam UMNO-pas - sultan-agong-govenor Racist Terrorist EVIL Agenda!!

Nothing better for those parents starting their kids primary school kids in 2016 with the RIGHT Attitude and Destroy the EVIL IS UMNO-PAS Islam Racist terrorist agenda.  Do it EVERY YEAR TO REINFORCE YOUR ANTI IS ISLAM UMNO-PAS Racist terrorist Evil Legalised AGENDA in MalaySIAL!!  Don't be a statistic one day like M. Indira Gandhi children that can be Forced to convert to ISLAM in School this time and you can do nothing about it....all based on a reciting some Islamic Words that your children have no awareness about....tomorrow he/she is Muslim/Islam...and Celaka Challenge in the Malaysia Justice System Transferred to Syriah Courts @#$%^&*.. Ptui!!!!  

This Act of writing letter to inform the School heaf Master is like Forcing the NRD UMNO Force Islamic Conversion Department to put in your Children ID Card .... I TAK NAK IS (Idiot Sect)Terrorist ISLAM!!  FIGHT Back against the celaka Evil Melayu IS islam UMNO bangsat Negara in cahoots with Sultan-agong-govenor-NRD-Judges-Jakim-JAis-tabung haji and all those Crap IS Islam Racist terrorist Agenda!!

Malaysia Demise is coming.....The Ringgit...then the standard......look at the Football Fifa Standing...Lower than East Timor..... NOTHING that have the Celaka IS ISlam Melayu UMNO-Bangsat negara in cahoots with Sultan-Agong-govenor BIAS racist terrorist Agenda have given any Glory to malaysia....Just don't Forget in your hunger and Anger and point of Demise.....Get those Bangsat negara Leaders, IGP, Army Chief, especially those Melayu Islam Racist terrorist UMNO -Bangsat Negara Past and present...and Never forget their Mentor and Defender of the EVIL racist Terrorist Acts in the Name of islam Raja, Sultan, Wan,....etc.... All have benefitted for 60 Years and Laughing at Rakyat Malaysia Demise.... 

WISE up...Create a New Malaysia...Lets RE-establish ONE REAL Sultanate KINGDOM in Malacca...VIA the USE OF DNA Mapping to those Bones of Parameswara...He who has the most matches is KING Forever and Abolosh the Rest of the State Illegitimate Sultan......enough said!! ABU UBAH...Berontak! INI Semua Fakta...bukan MITOS kesultanan Malaysia!!!

Akhirnya Tun bapa Kemerosotan malaysia = Islam = Melayu = UMNO = Dapat Sokongan Hebat dari Sultan-Agong-Raja2 Melayu.... Selagi majoriti Negara dalam apa Bidang, dari sukan, Penerbagan, ekonomi, pelajaran, di Kuasai melayu = Islam = UMNO dengan 100% sokongan sultan-Islam-Agong + Govenor islam...Maka RAHMAT ALLAH kepada sektor itu ditabukan kepada kaum dan agama lain untuk di HINA, Di Ketawa.... Di Sindir...Melayu yang Tak boleh terima Boleh Hijrah Ke Mekkah, Madina, DAESH...Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh...supaya lebih dekat dengan Allah awak.... Rahmat Allah terutama kepada golongan IS ISLAM UMNO Melayu + sultan-Agong-Govenor-Abu Sayaf-Sulu Terrorist adalah MALAPETAKA saja + di SINDIR Orang Ramai..Padan muka dan Berambus!!

..makin lama makin Jauh Rupanya PerCepsi yang najib Curi $$$$ dengan Izin Sultan_Agong...tapi rakyat PERCEIVED dan Faham those Elite Royals and Najib are in the same Curi Agenda dan Bodohkan Rakayt Melayu yang Idamkan Surau, 5 kali Loud Speaker panggil sembayang....pakai Tudung....tutup Aurat......Padan muka sengsarra Hidup dan semua Kerja diambil Islam Bangla , Myanmar dan Indonesia.... Lepas Pecat Malaya...Negara Baru Kat Utara Malaysia BanDAH= Kedah... MyanTan = Kealntan, IndoNU = trengganu....kita simpan semua Puak IS islam Melayu UMNO Kat Utara...Macam Isreal Simpan Hamas dan Hezbollah kat Kawasan Tak ada RAHMAT Allah!!

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