Thursday, November 23, 2017

Anwar is about to DIE soon as this is the Alibi that Rosmah-Najib UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara wanted.....After the smiles Poison and Death....Umrah for najib, Rosmah, Zahid & Wife like after Altantuya Murder ....The SH*T & SHAM of ISLAM UMNO-PAS bangsat Negara Justice and law.

Anwar is about to DIE soon as this is the Alibi that Rosmah-Najib UMNO-PAS Bangsat Negara wanted.....After the smiles Poison and Death....Umrah for najib, Rosmah, Zahid & Wife like after Altantuya Murder ....The SH*T  & SHAM of ISLAM  UMNO-PAS bangsat Negara Justice and law.

Anwar want to strike deal to make daughter ministers in UMNO, he is freed and get to keep $50 million Ringgit...then after the deal is DONE.....Anwar  will be dead too like Altantuya and Sirul...soon in Villawood.  Stupid ANWAR needs to retire and ROT in HELL if you dare strike a Deal and that will CONFRIM the AGENDA 2020......SACK Malaya from Sabah-Sarawak.....  TO HELL with MALUSIAL.....and a Coming Economic CRASH that will make another PARIAH Muslim Nation like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Libya......

This is how the Pedophile Unity of Malay - UMNO -  PAS - Sultan - Govenor  Islam works!  They Protect the Pedophile Network of ISLAM-Malay-Sultan..... So that Malays can continually codone these EVIl Acts of the Ruling Elites.  You leave Islam, these Scumbags put road block,  you want to escape the Malay-Islam Pedophile Network...they have Jakim, JAIS, Sharia, MAIS, Sekolah Burn YOUR children to Death working to change your trajectory for Change.  There is only SLAVERY for MALAYS in Malaysia.  So Leave ISLAM and YOU LEAVE the EVIL Network of ISLAM - Malay UNITY Pedophile EVIL Ideology!!  

Malay Islam Race greater than fake prophet Mohammed SAW according Zahid.....Poodah Lah!!  Sultan-Agong says Malay Not United - Islam Dies...also another POODAH material!!...Berambus Go to Hell with the Constant CONDITIONING of minority  Malay minds!!  
 Population REAL Break Down....Melayu UMNO-PAS sultan-agong Govenor IS radical ISLAM is LOSING....Never Fear Break UP and sacking of Malaya....  Islam is a MINORITY and that is the FACT!!
Malaysia malay   - 26%,  
Bugis  -   5 %,  
Jawa   -  3%, 
Indonesian  -   3%, 
Thai Malay  -  2 %, 
Chinese  -  25%, 
Indian  -  8%, 
True Orang Asli + Sabah Sarawak Natives   -  19%....  
Illegals Bangla+ Rohingyas, Islam From Failed Islam Nation(more than Indians)!!  - 9%

Whatever it takes to DUMB Down Malays....Keep them Poor....Keep them Stupid with MALAY Language medium in School....Try to Translate your Buddist, Christian, Hindu, Holy Books using Dewan Pustaka SH*T resources...then have JAIS, Shariah, MAIS, JAKIM raid your stores and place of Worship becaus you use NON MALAY approved Language and FINE You.  How stupid  and EVIL can you get???

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