Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Kelantan Flood is because of must wear hijab-burkah- TUDUNG UMNO-PAS Robbing and stealing the food, gaharu, timber and livelihood of Non Islam Orang Asli there...and also to Punish current Agong and Sultan of Kelantan who stole the throne from the Father with Force and help from UMNO-PAS Najib-Hadi, IGp and UTk help......The Curse on ISLAM in Malaysia continues until we RID Malaya, from Sabah-Sarawak....Demolish MAIS, Jakim, Shariah, and all those MALAY ISlam Religious Schools and Quran!!

That is the Typical Modus Operandi of the UMNO-PAS Bangsat negara malay Islam IS terrorist racist agenda that sultan--bugis-jawa-Agong and Govenor Melayu condone.  They tried to blame DAP of Penang of flood and SHUT UP when flooding all over IS Islam States.....GO TO HELL Scumbags umno-pas BN(bangsat Negara).

Just like after SPM...they CRUSH you in STPM.... for non malay muslim.....those reading this...and my blog...After SPM go straight to local Twining program with overseas university IF you can afford and work there BUT Come back to help Non Islam Orang asli First.... the Non-Muslim Malay Poor.....LAST....The EVIL Tudung, Cover up your Body ALLAH Confusion for muslim CRAP must End in Malaysia!!  Murder of pastors and stealing of bible by Jakim, Jais, Mais, Shariah and condone by Sultan Selangor-Agong UMNO-PAS Bangsat negara.  Why Help EVIL malay UMNO-PAS muslim IS Quran inspired Racist ISLAM ideology and agenda???  Boycott ANYTHING that will make UMNO-PAS IS Islam a bit better off.....time to Squeeze on the cash flow ....and keep enjoying paying higher Fuel cost and tol and taxes to support Racist Islamic Ideology and terrorism......60 years still they Punish SPM and STPM students of non Islam-Malay race.....Punish and Attack Back By Financial Boycott!!!  Think ....each time you buy ANYTHING, will it help promote Freedom of Religion or Taliban IS Radical Quran Tudung Islam Agenda!!

Pasal banjir dan bencana Alam kat negeri Majority Melayu Islam elak kata Rahmat Allah terhadap melayu UMNO-PAs Bangsat negara. Kalau kat kawasan orang bukan mealyu - Islam..... basuh minda orang ramai melayu islam UMNO-PAS-BN(bangsat Negara) kerana tak sokong Pesta Bir, Ru355, Kalimah Allah.... Apalagi islam melayu UMNO-PAS-SultanAgong-Govenor IS radical islam nak......Ini Pasal Sultan-Agong Kelantan Curi Thakta dari Bapak dan curi balak periuk nasi orang asli....dengan pertolongan Najib-Hadi PAS-UMNo IGp -UTK- pembunuh paderi Kristian.....Nah $1 derma untuk orang Asli bukan Islam dulu....kemudian bangsa lain.....Malannya tak ada duit untuk surau-majib kalimah Allah Koran bodohkan orang melayu!

Ini pun pasal LGE dan DAP......Padan muka bangsat PAS-UMNO- Islamhina Allah kena Banjir juga Akhirnya....Hanya Melayu IS Islam Bodoh yang bertudung tak tahu Allah unutk Semua...Kerana kalimah Allah dan RU355 nak bodohkan UMAT Islam melayu...Ini Balasan Allah...Lagi Keliru?? kalau bangsa melayu boleh mudah dikeliru,,,mak bangsa itu patut di hina Allah dan dapat Balasan Allah dengan Bencana..... Walaupun agama lain kena Bencana...ada dapat Rahmat allah juga....Berambus Melayu UMNO-PAS tak malu curi hak istimewah orang asli!

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