Monday, October 28, 2013

Malaysian NEED NOT BE ROMANTICS TO UMNO Malaya Islam Racism economic management....anymore...

With the DEBT at UNMANAGEABLE at close to $1 Trillion Ringgit......Even your Great-great-great-great-great-Great- GREAT- GREAT Grand children will have NO hope in erasing this Ponzi debt.

That is because Ponzi Debt are used to only PROP up EVIL Racist regime like UMNO Racist + Sultan........  One again need to ask why is SINGAPORE not in Debt  WITH Not much Natural resources like Sabah/Sarawak and Malaya.......HOW this racist Ponzi Islam UMNO SHAM with Sultan-Agong Approval developed??   We need not be stupid, dumb and DENY ourself and Dignity, insult the Gods/Alalh by PARTICIPATING in the UMNO ISLAM RACIST PONZI CULT - Approved by Sultan-Agong for 60 years.

IS Asking...WHY, HOW, WHEN?????  and be responded with Insult, Terror, Assult, Death, Murder, Barang Naik, High Inflation, stupidity, TORTURE, Misery, starvation the Appropriate response you expect from a caring, UMNO Ponzi+Sultan Agong approved racist bigots ponzi islam cult government??

So Sabah - Sarawak unite....kick UMNO_BN and make citizen arrest on the Day before you SACK Malaya....  Sack malaya for your children and grand children....get out of debt, have the same facility like Singapore in 5-10 years with todays technology and give malays the freedom of Religion, freedom of choice and Freedom from UMNO Racist Bigots Islam Cult Ridiculous Law of Allah, murder.....crime...terrorist...

I mean .....that Cosplay murder in Kota Kemuning admitted to murder and the police was quick to charge him for murder BUT C/Insp Azilah Hadri and Kpl Sirul Azhar Umar ADMITTED to murder of Altantuya under Instruction from UMNO Supreme Leaders and wifey......NOT CHARGED with MURDER IMMEDIATELY.  That is the SHAM and SCAM of the Ponzi Justice systems APPROVED by Sultan - Agong Islam Cult Ponzi.......  Why are being Romantics to this Sorts of Mad Justice???  Why delay one day longer in kicking out UMNO-BN ponzi.......  Sack UMNO-BN....SACK Malaya..... Give Malayasian/Singapore a new option to migrate and Create the NEXT TIGER OF ASIA.....  All possible with God's / Allah help...and rid those UMNO-Sulu Islamic Terrorist hidden Cell from Sabah-Sarawak if they think they can carry out UMNO Islam + Sultan Approved the weeks leading to the sacking of Singapore......Like what is happening in Thai South...these are UMNI-Islam Terrorist....Never DONATE to ANY Islamic Organisation!!..You are helping terrorist like Brotherhood of Islam, Hamas, Hazbollah, Al Qeada, Jemmah Islamiah...etc  These UMNO Islam Cult Scums have many EVIL on their sleves...END it And GIVE them the $1 Trillion Debt.........that is our Parting Present  for Malaya......

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